St. Louis Parish


Human Concerns

Respect Life

Promotion of life, womb to tomb. Prayer cards with developmental information and affirmations are available for purchase. Precious feet pins and roses are sold on Mothers Day. In October we have a “baby shower” were gently used and new items are collected. Emotional and monetary support to women with problem pregnancies. Contact Jill Delcore .

Homebound Communion

Volunteers are avaiable to distribute communion and to visit the elderly and homebound. To arrange to have someone bring communion to the home please contact Parish Office 920-866-2410

Prayer Chain

Phone relay asking for prayers for anyone in need. Contact Lynn Johnson 920-866-9292

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry Group meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Meetings are held in the Parish Hall. All parishioners are welcome to join our ministry of prayer and comfort. If you would like to join the Ministry but do not know how to knit or crochet, come to one of our meetings and we can get started. Not interested in knitting or crocheting? We also welcome your participation through your prayers or feel free to come as a supportive group member. We'd love to have you noin us and bring a friend! For more information contact the parish office 920-866-2410

St. Johns Homeless Shelter

St. Johns Homeless Shelter Meal provided for homeless clients during the winter months. Contact Carol Van de Ven 920-825-7603

St. Louis Christmas Carolers

Carolers visit many of our parishes shut-ins and people in area assisted living facilities. Contact Terry Dequaine 920-866-9431

Christmas Gift Giving

Thanksgiving Collection of food and gifts to families and individuals in need. Contact Julie Caelwaerts, 920-362-4744.

You might even have an idea for a new ministry, support group, organization or event and your enthusiasm and energy can help other people get excited and involved!